CS Conference
C19. [24’ASPLOS] Hongwu Peng, Xi Xie, Kaustubh Shivdikar, … David Kaeli, Caiwen Ding. MaxK-GNN: Towards Theoretical Speed Limits for Accelerating Graph Neural Networks Training. ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. [Code].
C18. [23’NEURIPS] Hongwu Peng, Ran Ran, Yukui Luo, … Chenghong Wang, Xiaolin Xu, Wujie Wen, Caiwen Ding. LinGCN: Structural Linearized Graph Convolutional Network for Homomorphically Encrypted Inference. 2023 Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. [Code].
C17. [23’MICRO] Yukui Luo, Nuo Xu, Hongwu Peng, Chenghong Wang, Shijin Duan, Kaleel Mahmood, Wujie Wen, Caiwen Ding, Xiaolin Xu. AQ2PNN: Enabling Two-party Privacy-Preserving Deep Neural Network Inference with Adaptive Quantization. 2023 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture.
C16. [23’ICCAD] Xi Xie*, Hongwu Peng*, Amit Hasan, … Tong Geng, Omer Khan, Caiwen Ding. Accel-GCN: High-Performance GPU Accelerator Design for Graph Convolution Networks. 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design. [Code].
C15. [23’ICCV] Hongwu Peng, Shaoyi Huang, Tong Zhou, Yukui Luo, …, Wujie Wen, Xiaolin Xu, Caiwen Ding. AutoReP: Automatic ReLU Replacement for Fast Private Network Inference. 2023 Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. [Code].
C14. [23’DAC] Hongwu Peng, Shanglin Zhou, Yukui Luo, …, Wujie Wen, Xiaolin Xu, Caiwen Ding. PASNet: Polynomial Architecture Search Framework for Two-party Computation-based Secure Neural Network Deployment. Proceedings of the 60th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference. [Code].
C13. [23’DAC] Shaoyi Huang, Bowen Lei, Dongkuan Xu, Hongwu Peng, Yue Sun, Mimi Xie, Caiwen Ding. Dynamic Sparse Training via Balancing the Exploration-Exploitation Trade-off. Proceedings of the 60th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference.
C12. [23’AAAI-workshop] Hongwu Peng, Shanglin Zhou, Yukui Luo, …, Wujie Wen, Xiaolin Xu, Caiwen Ding. RRNet: Towards ReLU-Reduced Neural Network for Two-party Computation Based Private Inference. AAAI 2023 Workshop on DL-Hardware Co-Design for AI Acceleration.
C11. [22’ICCD] Yixuan Luo, Payman Behnam, Kiran Thorat, Zhuo Liu, Hongwu Peng, …, Caiwen Ding, Tong Geng. Codg-reram: An algorithm-hardware co-design to accelerate semi-structured gnns on reram. 2022 IEEE 40th International Conference on Computer Design.
C10. [22’ICCD] Hongwu Peng, Deniz Gurevin, Shaoyi Huang, Tong Geng, Weiwen Jiang, Orner Khan, Caiwen Ding. Towards sparsification of graph neural networks. 2022 IEEE 40th International Conference on Computer Design. [Code].
C9. [22’DAC] Hongwu Peng, Shaoyi Huang, Shiyang Chen, Bingbing Li, Tong Geng, …, Caiwen Ding. A length adaptive algorithm-hardware co-design of transformer on fpga through sparse attention and dynamic pipelining. Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference. Selected as publicity paper!.
C8. [21’ISQED] Shaoyi Huang, Ning Liu, Yueying Liang, Hongwu Peng, Hongjia Li, Dongkuan Xu, Mimi Xie, Caiwen Ding. An automatic and efficient bert pruning for edge ai systems. 2022 23rd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design.
C7. [21’ICCAD] Hongwu Peng, Shiyang Chen, Zhepeng Wang, …, Weiwen Jiang, Hang Liu, Caiwen Ding. Optimizing fpga-based accelerator design for large-scale molecular similarity search. 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design.
C6. [21’ICCAD] Panjie Qi, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Qingfeng Zhuge, Hongwu Peng, …, Bingbing Li. Accelerating framework of transformer by hardware design and model compression co-optimization. 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design.
C5. [21’ASAP] Hongwu Peng, Shanglin Zhou, Scott Weitze, …, Hang Liu, Caiwen Ding. Binary complex neural network acceleration on fpga. 2021 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors.
C4. [21’GLSVLSI] Shaoyi Huang, Shiyang Chen, Hongwu Peng, Daniel Manu, …, Hang Liu, Caiwen Ding. HMC-TRAN A Tensor-core Inspired Hierarchical Model Compression for Transformer-based DNNs on GPU. Proceedings of the 2021 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI.
C3. [21’GLSVLSI] Panjie Qi, Yuhong Song, Hongwu Peng, Shaoyi Huang, Qingfeng Zhuge, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha. Accommodating transformer onto fpga: Coupling the balanced model compression and fpga-implementation optimization. Proceedings of the 2021 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI.
C2. [21’ISQED] Geng Yuan, Zhiheng Liao, Xiaolong Ma, …, Hongwu Peng, …, Yanzhi Wang. Improving DNN fault tolerance using weight pruning and differential crossbar mapping for ReRAM-based edge AI. 2021 22nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design.
C1. [21’ISQED] Hongwu Peng, Shaoyi Huang, Tong Geng, Ang Li, Weiwen Jiang, Hang Liu, Shusen Wang, Caiwen Ding. Accelerating transformer-based deep learning models on fpgas using column balanced block pruning. 2021 22nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design.
EE Journals
J8. [23’IEEE-TIA] Amol Deshpande, Riya Paul, Asif Imran Emon, Zhao Yuan, Hongwu Peng, Fang Luo. Design and Validation of a MVDC Isolated Active Voltage Injection Based HCB. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
J7. [22’PEDC] Amol Deshpande, Riya Paul, Asif Imran Emon, Zhao Yuan, Hongwu Peng, Fang Luo. Si-IGBT and SiC-MOSFET hybrid switch-based 1.7 kV half-bridge power module. Power Electronic Devices and Components.
J6. [21’IEEE-TPE] Yalin Wang, Yi Ding, Zhao Yuan, Hongwu Peng, Jiandong Wu, Yi Yin, Tao Han, Fang Luo. Space-charge accumulation and its impact on high-voltage power module partial discharge under DC and PWM waves: Testing and modeling. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.
J5. [20’IEEE-JESTPE] Mahsa Montazeri, David R Huitink, Andrea Wallace, Hongwu Peng, Sayan Seal, Alan Mantooth, Fang Luo. Vertically Stacked, Flip-Chip Wide Bandgap MOSFET Co-Optimized for Reliability and Switching Performance. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.
J4. [20’AIP] F Harerimana, H Peng, M Otobo, F Luo, MN Gikunda, JM Mangum, VP Labella, PM Thibado. Efficient circuit design for low power energy harvesting. AIP advances.
J3. [20’IEEE-TEMC] Balaji Narayanasamy, Hongwu Peng, Zhao Yuan, Asif Imran Emon, Fang Luo. Modeling and analysis of a differential mode active EMI filter with an analog twin circuit. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
J2. [19’CPSS-TPEA] Hongwu Peng, Zhao Yuan, Xingchen Zhao, Balaji Narayanasamy, Amol Deshpande, Asif Imran Emon, Fang Luo, Cai Chen. Improved space vector modulation for neutral-point balancing control in hybrid-switch-based T-type neutral-point-clamped inverters with loss and common-mode voltage reduction. CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications.
J1. [19’IEEE-JESTPE] Zhao Yuan, Hongwu Peng, Amol Deshpande, Balaji Narayanasamy, Asif Imran Emon, Fang Luo, Cai Chen. Design and evaluation of laminated busbar for three-level T-type NPC power electronics building block with enhanced dynamic current sharing. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.
EE Conferences
C17. [22’APEC] Asif Imran Emon, Zhao Yuan, Hongwu Peng, Fang Luo. Performance comparison and modelling of instantaneous current sharing amongst gan hemt switch configurations for current source inverters. 2022 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition.
C16. [21’ECCE] Abdul Basit Mirza, Yalda Azadeh, Hongwu Peng, Fang Luo. An Isolated Voltage Injection Based Hybrid Circuit Breaker for MVDC Applications. 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE).
C15. [21’PEDG] Asif Imran Emon, Hongwu Peng, Choksi Kushan, Fang Luo. Investigation on conducted EMI for single and parallel connected inverters. 2021 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems.
C14. [21’APEC] Zhao Yuan, Asif Imran Emon, Zhongjing Wang, Hongwu Peng, Balaji Narayanasamy, Mustafeez Hassan, Yalin Wang, Amol Deshpande, Fang Luo. A three-phase 450 kVA SiC-MOSFET based inverter with high efficiency and high power density by using 3L-TNPC. 2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition.
C13. [21’APEC] Zhao Yuan, Yalin Wang, Zhongjing Wang, Asif Imran Emon, Hongwu Peng, Mustafeez Hassan, Balaji Narayanasamy, Fang Luo. Design of Partial-discharge-free busbar for more-electric aircraft application with low pressure condition. 2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition.
C12. [21’APEC] Yalin Wang, Zhao Yuan, Hongwu Peng, Yi Ding, Yi Yin, Luo Fang. Partial discharge testing platform for high voltage power module packaging under square wave excitation. 2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition.
C11. [20’IPEMC] Balaji Narayanasamy, Hongwu Peng, Zhao Yuan, Fang Luo, Yongbin Chu. Zero-Phase-Filtering based Digital Active EMI Filter. 2020 IEEE 9th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2020-ECCE Asia).
C10. [20’ECCE] Asif Imran Emon, Zhao Yuan, Amol Deshpande, Hongwu Peng, Riya Paul, Fang Luo. A 1200V/650V/160A sic+ Si IGBT 3-level T-type NPC power module with optimized loop inductance. 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE).
C9. [20’ECCE] Amol Deshpande, Asif Imran, Riya Paul, Zhao Yuan, Hongwu Peng, Fang Luo. High power density 1700-V/300-A Si-IGBT and SiC-MOSFET hybrid switch-based half-bridge power module. 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE).
C8. [20’ECCE] Hongwu Peng, Balaji Narayanasamy, Asif Imran Emon, Zhao Yuan, Mustafeez Ul Hassan, Fang Luo. Design and implementation of selective active emi filter with digital resonant controller. 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE).
C7. [20’ECCE] Hongwu Peng, Zhao Yuan, Dereje Lemma Woldegiorgis, Asif Imran Emon, …, Haider Ghazi Mhiesan. Practical Design and Evaluation of a High-Efficiency 30-kVA Grid-Connected PV Inverter with Hybrid Switch Structure. 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE).
C6. [20’EATS] Zhao Yuan, Hongwu Peng, Asif Imran Emon, Yingzhuo Chen, Fang Luo. Model based optimization of propulsion inverter for more-electric aircraft applications using double fourier integral analysis. 2020 AIAA/IEEE Electric Aircraft Technologies Symposium (EATS).
C5. [20’EATS] Zhao Yuan, Yalin Wang, Asif Imran Emon, Zhongjing Wang, Balaji Narayanasamy, Amol Deshpande, Hongwu Peng, Fang Luo. Insulation design and optimization of laminated busbar for more electric aircraft motor drive under high altitude and depressurized environments. 2020 AIAA/IEEE Electric Aircraft Technologies Symposium (EATS).
C4. [20’EMCSI] Hongwu Peng, Balaji Narayanasamy, Asif Imran Emon, Zhao Yuan, Rongxuan Zhang, Fang Luo. Selective digital active emi filtering using resonant controller. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal/Power Integrity.
C3. [20’EMCSI] Zhao Yuan, Amol Asif Imran Emon, Balaji Narayansamy, Hongwu Peng, Zhao Yuan, Fang Luo. Investigation of Power Converter’s Near Field EMI Containment Using Passive Filters. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal/Power Integrity. Selected as best student paper award!.
C2. [19’ECCE] Zhao Yuan, Amol Deshpande, Balaji Narayanasamy, Hongwu Peng, … Fang Luo, David Huitink. Design and evaluation of a 150 kva sic mosfet based three level tnpc phase-leg pebb for aircraft motor driving application. 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.
C1. [19’PEDG] Hongwu Peng, Zhao Yuan, Balaji Narayanasamy, Xingchen Zhao, Amol Deshpande, Fang Luo. Comprehensive analysis of three-phase three-level t-type neutral-point-clamped inverter with hybrid switch combination. 2019 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems.